As humans, we tend to wake up in the morning thinking this day is going to be just like any other. Well, sometimes life brutally reminds us never to take anything for granted. Within just a few days I’ve received two of the single greatest shocks in my life. My world was turned upside down, and I’ve never felt so powerless as I do right now.

My best friend was in a horrific accident last Saturday and is still comatose in critical condition. Only two days later, I learned that another person very close to me is seriously ill. Misery, indeed, loves company.

I’m beyond heartbroken, and I feel that all I do these days is cry and pray and then cry some more. I so desperately want to help, but it seems all is in the hands of God and all I can do is pray and try not to lose faith.

Dear readers, if you’re people of faith, please keep my two beloved persons in your prayers. If you’re not the praying kind (I never really was, but a girl can change) please send lots of positive energy.

Right now I’m just staring blankly out on the Han River desperately hoping for a miracle.


  1. All my love and my prayers for you’re friends and your heart Sophie. Miracles happen so why not for them, I pray the Lord will have mercy for them and all of you and than quick healing.

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